Day 63 : TOS:S3E7 Day of the Dove

Even Spock finds this resolution highly illogical.


The Klingons return in a full out Battle Royale on board the Enterprise in a good enough episode that introduces a new leader, Kang (I’m quite sure he returns in TNG or DS9?) played awesomely by Michael Ansara.

Of course there is no heft to the episode, in a similar way to “Spectre of the Gun” as the alien entity that feeds off violence makes it so they can’t kill each other, leading to the eventual obvious decision that “Huh, I guess we better stop fighting each other or we will be doing this forever.”

I guess the moral is that distrust between enemies leads to fabrications of stories and unrest and never ending fighting will result in no resolution, do you hear that Israel and Palestine?

Still a bit of a fun episode, I have a place in my heart for the Klingons so I enjoy watching them do, well anything in the Original Series as it informs what I have actually seen from TNG and DS9.

The ending where they are laughing the entity off the ship is unintentional Trekkian comedy at it’s best.

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