Day 60 : TOS:S3E4 And the Children Shall Lead

“Now now kids don’t cry, let’s find that happy ending by showing you all your dead parents.”

If you’ve ever had the urge to slap around some misbehaving kids, then skip over this episode.  Because you may go overboard watching this and rampage through a Daycare facility. While Spock’s Brain was bad in almost a fun way, this episode is just plain bad. It drones on and on and I couldn’t wait for it to end.

I guess it’s about some kids being manipulated by an alien being who wants to conquer and destroy other planets.  Oh and they have the ability to basically make the crew see or do anything by pounding their hands a bunch of times.  And they do this to everyone except, for some reason (because it’s all crappy writing) Kirk.

And going back to the “Uhura only cares about her beauty” stinks.  But look out for those space knives Sulu!

Kirk brings them to their senses by showing them the dead bodies and tombstones of their parents.  YAY, a happy ending! Yikes.

I just don’t have much to say here because the episode just kept repeating the same actions over and over again.  I don’t know what they were thinking with this one.

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