Day 61 : TOS:S3E5 Is There No Truth in Beauty?

I’m about to drop some stone cold logic up in this piece.

An episode that is reminiscent of story lines that would normally play out in TNG (even with a returning Diana Mulduar,  Is There No Truth in Beauty? while a bit of a bore, at least gets props for trying something new, in a bottle episode that has Spock in the main protagonist role against a Vulcan trained mentalist who gets jealous over abdicating her position.

Diana Muldaur again is great in her role, even fooling me when it is revealed her character is blind, and is a nicely flawed female character that is normally missing from this show.

Spock as the main focus point of the episode always helps with me liking it, but this one did kind of drone on a bit and didn’t really pay off until the last ten minutes. The Marvick side plot seems forced and so easily spotted that it hurts the rest of the episode.

However, I’m glad it shied away from the typical Trek tropes and tried something new.  I also noticed the script was written by a woman, and the benefits can be seen, particularly the strength of the Muldaur’s character, Miranda. And, I did get a kick out of the first person POV shots when Spock goes crazy.


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